Easy Platinum Genre
Author: Griffin.
Here you can find all of our content for each and every game we have covered in the Easy Platinum Genre.
Easy Platinum games are exactly that. Games which provide you an easy Platinum trophy if you’re looking at boosting up your trophy count whether that be a personal goal to get as many Platinums as you can or bragging rights around your mates, the games listed below will offer you some very easy Platinums with all of them being 3 out of 10 in difficulty or below.
Platinums, are of course a PlayStation thing, you can also use the guides where applicable to Xbox for Achievements or any other platform that supports these types of accolades as long as both the game and your preferred system has the function available.
We have covered a good number of easy platinum or 100% games throughout the site with the majority of the games listed below being very simple 1/10 difficulty games and as always, if there is a game you would like a guide made for let me know over on Twitter and we’ll look into it.
The games below are in the date order we have covered them, you can either scroll through the list or use the Hubs tab or the search bar at the top of the page to find a particular game you need help with.
If you need a boosting partner for any game, check out the Boosting Sessions section over in our Discord.